Friday, 6 June 2014

GTA V campaign questions

  1. How long before release did the GTA V campaign begin? Two years.
  2. How did the institution want existing GTA fans to react to the early trailers? Rockstar wanted to focus primarily on the hard core fans to 'drum up the hype' about the release of the trailer, which shows that Rockstar wanted fans to rapidly spread the news through word-of-mouth.
  3. How did the steady release of trailers build excitement and hype about the game? The trailer allowed hard core fans to actively hunt for information on the internet. Also, trailers were reported on the world's press including The Guardian and The Metro. Furthermore, this creates synergy between the two trailers due to Michaels unique voice.
  4. How was the launch used to generate news coverage? Rockstar promised additional content, a prize raffle and merchandise for those that pre-ordered their game. Also, on the midnight launch, fans queued since half past nine and by the time midnight approached, the queue stretched right outside into the streets.
  5. What effect did the strict embargo have on the audience? This removes the mystique surrounding the game; fans can now confirm or deny on the internet what vehicle features are available etc.
  6. In your opinion, why was the campaign for GTA V so successful?